Posts tagged Seth Thompson
Guard Against The Distortion Of The Christian Faith. - Titus 1:10-16

Sickness and disease can be a nasty business. If not treated properly, it can lead to long-term damage and is a danger in our spiritual lives. Paul explains to Titus that there is a disease of false teaching and sinfulness spreading that must be resolved because it is distorting and subverting the Christian faith. The encouragement of Paul helps us see how we might be prepared to guard our faith.

We Must Invest In The Health Of God's Church. - Titus 1:5-9

When starting a new hobby there is often some technique that must be learned to become proficient. But what about the church? Have you considered, as a member of the body of Christ, what your roles and expectations might be, or what methods and techniques there are to promote the health of the church? In Titus 1:5-9 Paul shares with Titus some ways he must invest in the health of the church.

Those Who Are Redeemed By God Must Serve Him. - Titus 1:1-4

Have you ever received a generous gift? “Wow thank you so much how could I ever repay you?” or “I am in your debt”. This is exactly how we should be responding to the greatest gift of grace and life given to us by God through Jesus. When we understand who God is, we should be compelled to respond with “Here is my life, how can I use it to bring honor and glory to God my Redeemer?”.